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Drexel Co-ops Reflect on Volunteering at Magee

The Drexel Co-op program offers students the opportunity to gain real work experience as part of their university education. Drexel Co-ops have been a part of Magee Rehabilitation Hospital for several years now. Students work as volunteers for the hospital for a six month period, completing 480 hours in the process. Co-ops work in areas of the hospital such as: Hospital Administration with President’s Staff, Guest Relations and Volunteer Services, Grant Writing and Events/Annual Giving, Wheelchair Sports and ThinkFirst, Marketing and Public Relations, and Dining Services and Clinical Nutrition.

As their term comes to a close, Zaakirah Lewis, a Drexel Co-op in Hospital Administration, said that she first expected the co-op to be very specific to the area of the hospital she was working in. Instead, Zaakirah got a wide-ranging experience. She was able to work at several of Magee’s outpatient sites, as well as the main hospital. Zaakirah was also able to survey many patients and get to know their stories, in addition to doing her administrative work.

As a Drexel Co-op myself, I personally have loved my time spent at Magee. I have seen, firsthand, just how hard working and pleasant the staff and employees are at Magee. I could not have asked for a better co-op experience!

For more information on volunteering at Magee, contact

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