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Paying It Forward: Local 8th Grader Raises Funds for Magee

This week, Julianna Alimenti spent one of her final days of the summer at Magee Riverfront. She was there for a very special reason: to present a donation of money she raised to support Magee patients.

At Edgarton Christian Academy in Gloucester County, NJ, last year’s 8th grade students were each given $40 and instructed to “pay it forward” – use the money to help someone in need.

Julianna immediately thought of Magee patient Joe Duffy, her grandfather’s friend who suffered a spinal cord injury in an automobile accident in June 2015. This past winter, Julianna sold decorative pine cones and Rice Krispie Treats to raise money for Magee patients like Joe.

“I wanted to show him that I cared about him, and I wanted to give back to him the happiness he has given to my family,” Julianna writes in her project essay.

All told, Julianna raised $600 to donate to Magee. “That’s a lot of Rice Krispie Treats!” joked Mark Chilutti, Assistant Vice President of Development at Magee, who met with Julianna and Joe to accept the donation.

Julianna starts high school on Monday. All of Team Magee is grateful for her support and wishing her the very best!

To learn more about supporting Magee, contact

Pictured: Julianna Alimenti, Joe Duffy, and Mark Chilutti at Magee Riverfront

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