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Research @ Magee: Examining Walking Treatments for Stroke Survivors

Stroke Study Blog 2

Have you had a stroke and are no longer in therapy, but you feel like you still need it?  Have you considered volunteering as a study subject?  Magee is collaborating with the University of Delaware on two studies examining walking treatments for people who have had strokes.

The research, which is funded by the National Institutes of Health, is investigating the effects of treadmill training to improve both walking and activity. The first study will look at the effects of treadmill walking with and without stimulation of the ankle muscles. The second study will look at the effects of treadmill training and over-ground walking training with and without daily activity monitoring.

People participating in the each of these studies train at the Magee Riverfront Outpatient and Wellness Center in South Philadelphia 3 times a week for up to 12 weeks, and all sessions are run by a Magee physical therapist who specializes in stroke. All evaluation sessions will take place at the University of Delaware, And for volunteering your time, participants will receive an honorarium for their evaluation sessions.

Penny Santoro, who had a stroke as a result of a carotid artery dissection, is currently involved in one of these studies.   Her goals are to walk more normally with better arm swing, and she is working on improving her balance.  Since beginning her training, she is now able to walk on the treadmill without holding on with her hands.  Penny says the best part of participating in the study is she has learned “there is always hope. Never give up because there are new things happening every day.”

Interested in participating? The ideal candidate has had one stroke with resulting weakness on one side, and is able to walk without the assistance of another person. If you would like more information or if you think you qualify and would like to participate in one of the studies, contact the University of Delaware at (302) 831-4615 or

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