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The Recipe for Healthy Bones: Regular Exercise

Overall, no matter what your age, the recipe for bone health is simple for both men and women:

Last month, we talked about the first ingredient, getting enough calcium and vitamin D. Today, we’re going to talk about ingredient #2: regular exercise.

Exercise is important for both building and maintaining bone density. The two types of exercises that are crucial for bone health are weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises.

Weight-bearing exercises include activities that make you move against gravity.  These exercises can be high-impact or low-impact.

Muscle-strengthening exercises include activities in which you move your body, a weight, or some other resistance against gravity.  These include lifting weights, using elastic exercise bands, and functional movements such as standing and rising on your toes.  In addition, Yoga and Pilates can also improve strength, balance, and flexibility.  However, it is important to note that certain positions may not be safe for those with osteoporosis.  For example, bending forward may increase the chance of breaking a bone in the spine. A physical therapist can help you learn which exercises are safe and appropriate for you.

Non-impact exercises can help improve balance, posture and how well you move in everyday activities.  These exercises can help increase muscle strength and decrease the risk of falls and broken bones.

In the next segment of the osteoporosis series, we will continue with how to start a new exercise program and discuss just how much of each type of exercise is needed each week.

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