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Magee Now Offering

Free Consultation on Catastrophic Injury Claim

The initial days following the report of a workers’ compensation catastrophic injury claim can be hectic in the claims administration office. The experienced claims representative faces a daunting list of tasks and important decisions.

They must plan for the extent of the injury, reserves, witness interviews, case management assignments, plaintiff attorney inquiries, documentation of the claims file, communication with insurance company leaders/management, appropriate jurisdictional filings, and most importantly – provide customer service to the injured worker and family.

The Magee Rehabilitation Navigation and Care team is here to help. We can provide crucial insight and answer your questions on traumatic injuries. The goal is to broaden your knowledge on the catastrophic claim, enabling you to make informed decisions that will in turn mitigate loss. Our nurse navigator will share your case with our multidisciplinary team to assist in making proactive claims management decisions as it relates to the catastrophic injury.

Magee offers this complementary service to the insurance industry as part of its commitment to rehabilitation.

Contact: Ruth Burnett, BSN, CRRN, CCM, CDMS, WCCM,
Magee Rehabilitation Hospital -Jefferson Health
Workers’ Compensation Nurse Navigator