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Accessible Air Travel: Getting Through Security

Editor’s Note: This is the third part in a series on accessible air travel. Part I offered tips for booking your flight, Part II provided advice and options for getting to the airport, and Part III offered tips for checking in. Today, our resident accessible travel expert Mark will share his tips on getting through security.

We all have heard stories about the challenges of airport security for people with disabilities (and, let’s be honest, for able-bodied people as well). But as a frequent traveler, I can assure you that it is not as bad as you have heard!

If this is your first trip post-injury or illness, you may not know what to expect. I’ll walk you through the process and give you my tips for making it as easy as possible.

Before You Go…

 Once You’re There…

During Inspection…

If you follow the rules, and are upfront about any special issues or concerns, it should be a relatively quick process. Because I travel so much, I have helped to educate and train many TSA employees – and you can, too! They really do want it to be an easy experience for us, and the more comfortable we can make them about dealing with individuals with disabilities, the better it will be for everyone. And, if something does go wrong, or you are not feeling comfortable about the process, the best thing to do is to politely ask for a supervisor and be patient until one arrives. Above all, remember to be your own advocate!

Now that you’re through security, there’s just one thing left to do: board the plane and head to your destination. Tomorrow, I’ll give you the low down on boarding the plane.

We want to hear from you! Do you have any tips for getting through security with a disability? Any stories to share?

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