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Baby, It’s Cold Outside: Dressing for Winter Weather in Your Wheelchair

Dressing for warmth can be a tough task. Bulky layers tend to be uncomfortable, and wheelchair users have to take into consideration many other factors and complications that can occur when trying to stay warm. Issues such as skin integrity, toileting accessibility, temperature regulation, dressing method, and management of the wheelchair in the cold are all considerations that need to be taken when a wheelchair user is getting prepared to brave wicked winds and dropping temperatures.

Designers have begun the process of fabricating fashionable clothing for the wheelchair user. For those dressing up a bit, elastic wasted designer jeans without rear pockets exist to lessen the burden of putting them on and maintaining good skin integrity while looking good. Ladies may appreciate the use of long dresses for staying warm and improving the ease of dressing and toileting. For a more laid-back look, try zip-up sweatpants to improve independence with toileting and dressing while staying comfortable.

Individuals using a manual wheelchair should invest in a good pair of winter gloves with grips on the palm and finger tips to provide friction and warmth when propelling the wheelchair. Others who are driving a power chair may benefit from mittens. A warm lap blanket is always a good addition to keep you toasty. A nice pair of warm boots will keep your feet protected and dry in harsh weather conditions. Think warm thoughts and check the weather before you leave the house!

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