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Happy 57th Anniversary, Magee!

What do you get when you combine patients, community support, and a Can Do attitude? You get Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, and for 57 years this equation has proven to be a success. Fifty-seven years ago today, on March 9, 1958, opening ceremonies for the Hospital were held, and Magee began admitting patients the very next day. Since then, Magee has come a long and impressive way.

Magee has flourished into a 96-bed specialty hospital, housing an exceptional staff and cutting-edge resources. The 6th floor of Magee has transformed into a place of solace for our patients as it houses the Patient Resource Center, Segal Street, the Greenhouse, and soon-to-be Creative Therapy Center and Healing Gardens. Magee also offers patient programs such as horticultural therapy, art therapy, adaptive technology, a facility dog program, a peer mentor program, a vision assessment center, and much more. Fifty-seven years after its founding, Magee provides rehabilitative care to over 2,700 individuals each year at the Hospital and three outpatient facilities.

Of course, Magee could not be a success without the donations of its generous supporters. As a non-profit, charitable hospital, Magee relies solely on donations to provide our patients and staff with the newest equipment, programs, and opportunities to attain the best outcomes.

To learn more about supporting Magee, visit our website, e-mail, or call (215) 587-3090.

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